Saturday, July 19, 2008

Public Cosmology Batak

Between by tens tribes the nation Melayu in Nusantara, public Batak is which most unique with history of culture and religion encircling it. this non only unique cause public Batak synonym as ‘ public Kanibal ' but because public Batak has high culture and civilization of is return by deed kanibalistik.

tradition of Public Batak in Nusantara has old history, reachs is far so that more or less 300 SAMARIUMS until 600 SAMARIUMS, convergent in Sumatra, Indonesia. At initial rank ( first century) Sumatra in recognizing as Swarnabumi ( gold earth) by India merchant - parallel with gold meeting here.

India merchant enthusiasm to gold causes this merchants berbaik-baik with aborigines public - Batak. From during the kesemasa, custom and India merchant culture carpeted to public Batak receiving it is easily. In a few a period, public culture Batak many diffusing culture and Hindu custom.

So now public Batak at most there is in Sumatra, especially his(its in area Tapanuli. Beside Sumatra public Batak also dwells other areas of Nusantara, especially of Pulau Jawa and other archipelago of Indonesia, Peninsula Malaysia, Singapura, Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei, Filipina, Sulawesi etcetera.

Movement pattern of public Batak from Sumatra to other areas in Nusantara influenced by two factors. Firstly his(its, arrival of occidental colonist to Nusantara at century ke-17 and both, ‘ custom go abroad ' which is partial than public cultures Batak.

As konsekuen colonization, some public Batak becomes slave to serve sold in marketing. At century 19, sale of slave Batak is ghalib in Sumatra and Nusantara generally. More or less 300 to 600 slaves Batak is sold in Singapore and Pulau Pinang every year by Inggeris. What which interesting is this Batak slaves sold by public Batak x'self to Inggeris in Sumatra which then his(its is sold in other places.

Result than migration process of slave Batak, grows population Batak in Malaysia, especially his(its in Peninsula North area Malaysia. Diskripsi fizikal public Batak which is dark, stacked and general of kerinting can be impressed in Peninsula North so that now.

But from the angle of religious and trust, public Batak in Malaysia have been separate at all than custom tyings and trust of public Batak in Sumatra which still having the character of animistik and Javaistik. Superioriti ‘ custom ' replaced with ‘ Islam ' for public Batak in Malaysia.

its(the Natijah, life pattern and idea of public Batak in Malaysia, either in Pulau Pinang, Silver, Pahang mahupun Kelantan reflex [shall] no longer be cultural and public custom Batak of from Sumatra.

This study converges to image of cosmology Batak Sumatra, as representatif public Batak Nusantara. Public cosmology Batak in Malaysia is not other than Islam cosmologies.

Back of to development of culture Batak. According To Edwin M. Loeb in its(the book ‘ Sumatra : Its History and People', public Batak inherits tradition which in the form of adunan local culture with big religions a world of merebak to this area since first century again. Hinduism, Buddhisme, Islam, Kristianiti and Taoisme, altogether up to former Sumatra before merebak to other places in Indonesia and archipelago of other Melayu.

Presence of Hindu culture at around century firstly is caught up with arrival of religion Buddha which bersinskrit with Hinduism and local trust. Entrance of Islam at around century 8 until 13 more and more merencahkan again public religion Batak and Sumatra generally, which has

ready of bersinskrit with local elements, Hinduism and Buddhoisme. Result of his(its, borns ‘ custom', important phenomenon in life of public Batak compares epistomologi religion.

It is don't too for expressed bahawa public Batak generallyly obtains approximant all the fahaman its(the spiritual is Indian, especially of Hinduisme. Fahaman HinduBatak ( pengadunan of Hinduisme with local trust) then of merebak to other places in Indoensia.

Said Loeb, between some element of Hindu which there is in trust of Batak is idea ‘ Creator ' and ‘ creation', stratification syurga ( sky), evocation syurga ( sky), fate or position of soul as free someone pass away, animal sacrifice, and shamanism ( trans or rasuk) his(its really.

religious Fahaman of public Batak can be divide to 3 part: Cosmology and cosmogony - God world ( godhead) Resident concept of about soul. Trust about spectre, dickens and ancestors.

Stratification fahaman religion as in upper looked like to one of than fahaman Hindu. People Batak divide its(the cosmology to 3 part. Upper part is place for God and Dewa. Middle part ( world) for man and part under ( under earth) for the things them which has

death - spectre, prince of darkness, dickens etcetera.

Public Batak trusts form many Gods. highest or biggest God domiciled it is ‘ Beginning djadi sodium bolon' - initial start and extremely, or ‘ s(he having start in His x'self'. This concept has equation with concept ‘ Brahman ' or scorpion purusha Hindu.

‘ Beginning djadi sodium bolon ' be in the form of personal for public Batak and lives in syurga which highest. He also attended by attributes ‘ extremely kebal'(immortality) and ‘ all powerful' ( omnipotence), because of in the form of creator as of its(the pitch in nature is including God. In saying other of Mula djadi sodium

bolon present in all creation.

Together concept Mula djadi sodium bolon - God The Supreme Big, public Batak pragmatically of intimate with concept Debata sodium tolu ( Three Gods) or what called by Tri-Murti or Trinity in Hindu cosmology.

Three principal representing Debata sodium tolu is Batara Guru, Soripata and Mangalabulan. Batara Guru compared to Mahadewa ( Shiva) manakala Soripata compared to The Most Vishnu. Only Mangalabulan had history of birth which rather blurry and doesn't show equation with

imej-imej Hindu cosmology.

Between three pinsipal is, Batara Guru has main and high position is circle [by] public Batak, kerana His character as creator and during the same, hero culture teaching artistry and custom to this Sumatra North public.

Mangalabulan on the contrary is principal of which rather complex kerana disebalik blessing and gives or obtain cash for kindness and benefaction, Mangalabulan also does badness by request, then becomes sweetheart God and patron for pirate and thief - penjenayah generallyly.

Beside three main principal is - Debata sodium tolu, public Batak also has many debata or lower God stratified it, for example debata idup ( House God), boraspati nickel tano ( spirit bumi/tanah) and boru saniang fragon ( spirit water), Radja moget pinajungan ( doorman

syurga), Radja Guru ( catchs man soul) - its(the duty same as angel Izarail in epistomologi Islam or Yama in Hinduisme.

Debata is derivation Sanskrit, deivatha. In epistomologi Batak, debata represents God.

Public Batak, like Hindu public, receives life in tone dualiti. Kindness and badness is each other presentation of in life, with kindness becomes hunting ultimat man.

Bad principal for public Batak is Naga Padoha, principal found on level very under in hieraki three natures - iaitu below(under earth. Together Fragon Padoha is story how child of Batara Guru, Baro deak pordjar which refuse to perform [a] relationship with Mangalabulan in the sky, go down to ocean primodial ( before earth is created). If Batara Guru know this incident, s(he pass fistful [of] soil;land;ground through swallow bird put down at ocean primodial. Result of his(its happened earth. Then, created also plant, animal and haiwan. Result than the relation of child of Batara Guru with a hero from sky ( passed by Batara Guru) borns generation of man.

Fragon Padaho which its(the origin dimiciling in ocean primodial has been narrowed its(the position kerana former and development of earth from during the to during the. Kerana this narrowness, every pergerakkan of Naga Padaho results earthquake. This mythology as of run with fatalistic concept of Batak bahawa world

will fall to pieces by one a period of later, if glorious Naga Padaho free x'self than squeezings Batara Guru.

Lee Khoon Choy, in its(the book Indonesia Between Myth and Reality has genesis story a world of berbeza. According To Lee, initially there are one Gods iaitu Ompung Tuan Bubi sodium Bolon - God omnipresent and omnipotent. Ompung haves a meaning (of) ‘ great-grandparents'. During the him(her, Ompung Tuan Bubi sodium Bolon relies on one tree banyan ( wishs or wiringin), stick which break decay and fall into sea. This decay stick becomes fish and hidupan other water. Then fell again stick and created [by] insect. Falling third stick forms animal like deer, monkey, bird and

as his(its. This caught up with creation of buffalo, goat, forest pig etcetera.

Result than perkhawinan two heads new bird is created [by] iaitu Patiaraja ( boy) and Manduangmandoing ( woman) begins it birth of man than egg Manduangmandoing when implementaion of earthquake which dasyat.

Though berbeza with Loeb, genesis myth brought by Lee to show equation in dasarnyaasal suggestion of man than egg and earthquake influence ( karenah Naga Padoha).

Seen from harsh eye, this genesis story in the form of inacceptable myth of mind but properties of this myth is, s(he also in the form of rich allegory with mysticism problem, if seen from intrinsic in perpective - much the same to like war in Mahabaratha and Ramayana.

If allusion with mysticism Hindu-Buddha, Fragon padoha is not other than Kundalini dimiciling medial of man physic ( near by anus).

In epistomologi Vaishnava ( one of than Hindu stream), avatara The Most Vishnu - Krishna Paramatma lanthanum with Naga Kaliya, which finally bows to Krishna Paramatma. Intrinsically, this allegory tells feather in one's cap of Krishna Paramatma captures passion ( symbolised by naga/ular). If Fragon Padoha was Kundalini, earth is physic mansia, manakala Batara Guru is soul or debata or tondi which presents together man if created. Simbologi Naga ( Snake) in mythology Batak is universal in character. In epistomologi religions Semitic, we discover snake character is given [by] coloration hitam(jahat). Adam and Eve Dismissal story ( Eve) to earth is as result of

incitement of snake to Hawa which then his(its luring Adam with its(the mildness.

Its(the irony, public Batak believes an a period of later world will fall to pieces if Naga padoha similar rebels. But, whilst blessing and tuition Batara Guru there are still at man, whilst that is they will be able to subdue Naga Padoha and lives in harmony. Not hairanlah thinks it Batara Guru

becomes debata very popular for public Batak and Indonesia generally.

Koding, an again history of haves a notion there are a lot of element identikal between mythology Batak with Hindu. Boru deak pordjar - child of Batara Guru is Dewi Saraswati in Hinduimse. Batara Guru in comparing to Mahadewa ( Shiva) as well as with Manu - first man in earth.

Brahma is personification with character Svayambhu - him(her presentation of than their/his self.

‘ Gold world egg's where does it come from Svayambhu as Brahman and creates man and God ( tradition of Hindu), diubahsuai in mythology Batak to three egg seeds, from every the other one borns one Gods. Justeru, chicken ( manuk) what bears this egg assumed is main in dimiciling mythology spiritual

public Batak. Egg manuk ( chicken) this, in tradition Tantrik is called [by] salangram or cosmical speroid.

‘ Soul ' be element of religion primal and public custom Batak. Concept supernatural ( such) also, on the verge of not presentation of here. Dominant concept is circle [by] public Batak is tondi. According To Warneck, pre-eminent otoriti of study about public Batak, tondi is ‘ spirit' ( smooth energy), ‘ man soul', ‘ individualiti man ' which presentation of since man stayed in its(the mother womb is again. At the time this s(he determines chlid future which will be borne that.

Tondi presentation of approximant to body and sesekala leaves body. Ommission of tondi causes people to hit falling sick. Justeru, sacrifice done by someone to take care of its(the tondi that sentiasa stays in good situation . All people has tondi but power of tondi berbeza than one with an other. Only tondi main and big figures domiciled it in public to have sahala - power supernatural ( excrutiatingly or semangat/keramat). Rational to this perbezaan equal to fatalistic concept of Hindu, of opinion bahawa all accidents lived had been specified before borns again and may not be avoided. Kerana birth is in good position hence its(the tondi is also will stay in good position ( in command).

Number tondi found on someone varies than one and seven. Partly public Batak believe bahawa each and everyone only had one tondi numeral other partial manakala seven tondi for every individual.

Other concept related to tondi is begu ( spectre or dickens). Begu is tondi dead man. Not all tondi is begu . Tondi which natural without bearing with badness recognized as samaon. As of higher tread than samaon is spirit [of] or debata ( same of its(the phase with God) is varying follows its(the function and power.

Shamanism - tradition reduces soul or tondi man who have been dyeing kedalam others body ( who above the ground) what done solely for communicates with people who soul have been dyeing is tradition that is very popular in North Sumatra. Shaman ( man that is gone down tondi or ‘ the baso') composes than the two, boy and woman. Primitive batak Public of which is chummy not with shamanism ( especially his(its in archipelago of West Sumatra) bases on soothsayer ( seer - language Inggeris or ‘ kavi' - language Sanskrit). Its(the beza soothsayer with shaman, tondi ( also debata and spirit) communicates in personal with soothsayer. Soothsayer then will submit mesej smooth form

( tondi, debata and spirit) or mengubat pesakit follows order of smooth form.

Shaman also only functioning as media to enable tondi communicates with people who wish to deal with his(its. Communication ‘ tondi ' with man who is calling him is direct, berbeza with the relation of through soothsayer ( third person).

Soothsayer Batak usually boy and recognized as herbalist. Though soothsayer Batak doesn't have one systems or institution for training herbalist - group of this public becomes custodian and having responsibility degrades ritual esoterik and study ( spiritual) Hindu and local from generation to generation. As of interesting case at public deed Batak is concept sees life at second ‘ now and sini'(here and now). They believe tondi of the they need to be taken care of and taken care of as well as possiblely here ( world) and now ( now). They don't be awaiting for a period of will come to get reciprocation. This concept though may be seen from in perpective of eksistensialis, also may be seen from the aspect of mysticism.

Almost all the mistical stream ( lets religion is even a) emphasizes its(the believer to take care of life with as good as possibly. Usually, a middle course is applied, namely do not lean on last night which has elapsed and not sure morrow, but taking care of every seconds of now in tone ke'sahaja’an. Soul concept among public Batak berligar to ‘ energy ' or ‘ power'. This energy thinks it stays in harmonious situation will lead into kindness. On the contrary if it is dismayed or irate, will give ugly impression to human life and nature.

Even many getting Hinduism influence, kepercyaan of public Batak has its(the separate local element like concept tondi. Tondi public Batak may not be narrowed as aura - energy circumference which sentiasa there are circled man. Instead tondi nor may be formulated as soul which there is in man physic. Tondi is adunan some fahaman than some traditions which

then his(its forms tradition of cosmology Batak which is unique.[]

This is the full script Kanaga Saba as of neodymium to ‘ Culture Council ' which was later published

somewhere indium early 1999 and was subjected to editing


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